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To really get to know Heather and the team she works with, click the link below.


Each team is uniquely constellated to form a container for your growth and transformation. Drawing from diverse and exceptional expertise, the team includes MDs, PhDs tribal elders and nature school leaders. Equally important to long-term study in psychology and therapy, the team has direct and deep experience with depression and addiction, suicide and assault. Balancing the depths and the heights, the members of the team have walked this path from darkness to light. We are here to support you from the bottom of our heart as much as from the depth of our experience. Ultimately, the greatest strength of the team is deep call and caring to help those in need, particularly the youth who we believe in so strongly. We are passionate about fostering inner and outer resiliency through natural creativity.



Heather and crew works in Olympia, Washington at Beloved Sanctuary where they play amidst tall trees and deep waters. She travels to speak, offer workshops and trainings on the transformative power of nature, art and rites of passage, as do members of the team, each according to their unique specialty and interest. To meet them and get to know them better, please come to the sanctuary. Beloved can be seen below, offering waterways that have been travelled by native peoples to gather for hundreds of years only 2 miles from the westside of Olympia. It is a place of paired green herons, eagles and mystery, featuring large art studios, meeting spaces, meditative walks and labyrinths in nature. Open houses start in January.


Our on site base camp is the Beloved Sanctuary and online support is provided through a learning site as we ll as through an online community which can be seen at (featured below). Reach out to connect and explore. Questions and queries are welcome. Open house evenings are set up at Beloved with tours available.

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Tel: 360-359-1522
Fax: 360-867-0151

3449 Regal Park Dr

SW Tumwater, WA 98512


Creative eco-art therapy is a practice that combines modern science and age-old wisdom for transformative healing and growth.




3449 Regal, Lake Park Dr. SW,

Tumwater, WA 98512


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